What To Expect When You Join a Django Course

Have you decided to take the plunge and enroll in a Django course?

You’re about to embark on an exciting journey into the world of web development with one of the most powerful and popular frameworks out there. But before you dive in, you might be wondering what exactly to expect from your Django course.

Well, fear not, because we’re here to give you the inside scoop.
Introduction to Django
Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some experience with web development, the course will start with a gentle Django introduction and its core concepts. You’ll learn about models, views, templates, and how they all come together to create dynamic web applications.

Hands-On Learning
Forget boring lectures and endless slides – a Django class is all about hands-on learning. You’ll dive right into coding from day one, building real-world projects and applying what you’ve learned in a practical setting.

In addition to the basic Django tutorial, expect to spend plenty of time writing code, debugging, and troubleshooting – it’s all part of the learning process.

Guidance and Support
Don’t worry if you hit a roadblock or get stuck on a tricky problem – your instructors are there to help. A good course will provide ample guidance and support every step of the way.

Whether it’s through live lectures, Q&A sessions, or one-on-one mentorship, you’ll have access to the resources you need to succeed.

Real-World Projects
As you progress through the course, you’ll work on a series of real-world projects that will challenge and inspire you.

From building a simple blog to creating a fully functional e-commerce site, you’ll put your Django skills to the test and come away with a portfolio of impressive projects to showcase to potential employers.

Confidence and Empowerment
By the time you complete your Django course, you’ll have gained a solid understanding of web development principles and mastered the Django framework.

You’ll feel confident tackling new projects and exploring advanced topics on your own. Most importantly, you’ll have the skills and knowledge you need to pursue a rewarding career in web development.

Joining a Django course is an exciting opportunity to learn, grow, and transform your passion for web development into a valuable skill set. With hands-on learning, guidance from experienced instructors, and a supportive community by your side, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Django pro in no time.

Public relations

Social media plan for Riyadh city
The results demonstrate that most retweeted messages are the more likely to contain a direct Tweeting, Retweeting, Hashtag, Phototwitter, Photo Facebook, Photo Instagram, Photo website, Photoflyer, Website, Video, and Broken links. These results will be the basis for crafting the social media plan. The type of interaction can work with influencers and amplifiers within an industry. Twitter can be used as a predominant place for amplification. It presents an opportunity for Riyadh city to create tweets that generate engagement.

The objective of the social media plan will be to establish strategic and beneficial relationships with the amplifiers to improve engagement on Twitter. Amplifiers are significant in keeping the conversation flowing and enhancing interactions with conventional online mainstream media and corporate media. Establishing a relationship with amplifiers is likely to have more people interacting with the city.

The goal of the social media plan is to promote engagement with the public. Using various tools including Photo website, videos, Photo Instagram, Photo flyer, the PR team will attract more retweets from social media amplifiers. The tools will provide an excellent opportunity for followers to get to know the individuals behind the brand.


The first strategy to be used is finding a niche of Twitter Followers. The social media plan will be directed to social media amplifiers. Amplifiers are important in keeping the conversation flowing and promoting interactions with conventional online mainstream media and corporate media. On Twitter, the focus on amplifiers will ensure that the conversation flows. Amplifiers will be useful in determining what to retweet and what not to retweet. Thus, they will be useful in enhancing engagement of Twitter users. Determining who to follow and how to get followers is a difficult task. When Twitter users start using Twitter, most might follow anyone who might follow back for no particular reason. To increase the number of Twitter followers is the goal of any organization which can act as an ego boost. However, unless the followers are quality followers, the large number of followers won’t fuel the initiative to increase Twitter exposure. Niche or quality of followers means having followers with similar interests as the city and individuals who also tweet similar topics as the city. In general, the followers are more prone to retweet city’s messages to their Twitter following. Given that the quality of followers will be more inclined to retweeting the city’s links, amplifiers will expose the tweets to a much larger audience.

The second strategy is through engaging amplifiers and influencers through valuable and relevant Content. Social networking is all about sharing valuable information and content. Amplifiers are only interested in relevant and valuable content. The city requires relevant and quality tweets and how they will be distributed. More time will be spend thinking about the levers necessary to generate actual engagement and step up interaction with messaging and content. Influencers are individuals who carry weight in industry. Twitter is considered to be one of the most suitable social networks for networking, and it can reach out to many influencers who have a Twitter account. Retweeting influencers with valuable content is one of the easy ways to connect with influencers and tap into their group of followers. This can be done by Tweeting the same content several times. Identical tweets often obtain a similar amount of clicks. Creating relevant content and focusing on getting influencers to engage with it can make it go viral incredibly fast as more people can discover content through organic and social search. However, it all comes down to the quality of the content being shared. If it is of interests, influencers are going to retweet (Safko, 2010).

Direct Tweeting and Retweeting
Tweeting and Retweeting are critical to maximizing tweet exposure. The PR team will employ tweeting and retweet tactics to promote engagement by influencers. Tweeting and Retweeting are not about sharing content. There is evidence to show that there are things that compel people to retweet. From the choice of words to the time of day, tweeting and retweeting will take into consideration different factors that impact how many retweets can be achieved. When a tweet is made, a message is sent out to social media followers. When none of the followers are actually interested in the message, then very few will retweet the messages as it isn’t really relevant to them. On the other hand, when there are a dozen followers who are interested in the message, there is a greater chance that they will retweet the tweet. Therefore, tweeting and retweeting exposes a message to followers also might be interested. Another way to have the frequent retweeting of messages is to be active in retweeting messages from influencers when the message relates to the topic. Influencers and followers are likely to appreciate the retweet and tend to retweet some of the tweets in return.

The second tactic is the use of hashtags. A hashtag is a way that enables organization of Tweets for Twitter search engines. Using hashtags correctly simply prefix messages tag to enable influencers and followers to discover relevant posts. Using hashtags is critical for maximizing retweets and finding those quality Twitter followers. When one searches for certain keywords, it becomes easier to view other Twitter results of users who also tweet the particular topic. Those users using the same hashtags will be followed as they can become the niche followers.

Photos and videos
Twitter has several features that provide users with more options and opportunity when it comes to Twitter images. Multiple Photos in Tweets will be used to Photo Tagging. Every Tweet will include multiple Twitter images, offering the users more opportunities to use visuals that represent the message. Photos will be added to Tweets and will then be displayed in an easily shareable preview collage. New photo tagging option will allow tagging in the Twitter images shared. This will have a big implication for the city to followers and fans. Individuals can then tag other users in the photos, adding a level of appreciation for followers. This may encourage more engagement on Twitter. To really make the Tweets engaging, the photos will not be just an afterthought. Twitter images will be chosen based on their relevance and appeal to the content and shareability. Images will not be shared just for the sake of having a visual element to your Tweet.

Finding photos to share does not have to be a struggle. One way to improve engagement through images will be to ask for submissions or run contests from followers. Sharing photos will be a great way to keep influencers and followers engaged and coming back. When using photos, it will be important to ensure that images will be clear when viewed within a Twitter stream. When photos are too small and require to be expanded by the viewer, they may likely receive less sharing and engagement. Additionally, sharing the same content in multiple Tweets is a tactic that is appropriate as long as messages are spaced out. However, sharing the same photo possibly may not draw the same level of engagement in second and third Tweets. When the content to be shared has multiple images, different Twitter images for subsequent Tweets will be shared. This will be a strategic way to add new appeal to content to be reused. Favoriting is a tactic that will focus on making use of growing interaction with influencers and amplifiers. Building authority on Twitter is important to generating more engagement, and the utilization of multimedia like images can drive that engagement. By including photos and images in tweets, it will be likely to double the chances of a Retweets. Videos will be important when trying to connect on a personal level with amplifiers. These tools offer a simple way to respond to the audience and are far more engaging than a simple tweet would be. Videos will also be used to cover events as they’re happening. Videos drum up more interactivity by involving followers in the big numbers. A large number of followers will likely enhance the chances of retweeting.

Favorites will be used to bookmark. Favoriting is an easier way of saving tweets and pages for easier future access. The most common use of favorites is to capture the attention of those they are interested in capturing. It is a desirable option to make presence noticed online. This type of interaction can work with influencers and amplifiers within a particular industry. Many are the times that it may be necessary to type out a response to tweeter user. This may not be possible particularly where the number of responses is overwhelming. Thus, favoriting will be used as a tactic to show gratitude. Favoriting will be used as a tool to engage with influencers and amplifiers.

Competitive Advantage

About Nicholas Carr (the author of It doesn’t matter)

Nicholas Carr is a famous writer whose major areas of focus are on the social, economic, and business implications of technology. He was born in 1959 in and is a resident of America whose prowess in writing has led to his publishing of several books and articles on technology, business, and culture. Among the many books, he is known for includeThe Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains which was a finalist for the 2011 Pulitzer Prize in General Nonfiction. Others include ‘It doesn’t matter’ which has garnered a lot of controversial reactions from many readers, authors and scholars though the HBR staff voted it the best article to appear in the magazine in 2003.

It doesn’t matter: Nicholas Carr’s Position

In the book ‘it doesn’t matter’, Nicholas says that information technology has been a very important and integral part of business today. For a brief period, infrastructural technologies have opened opportunities for forward-looking companies to gain strong competitive advantages. Time after time, their availability has increased, and their costs have decreased. As time goes by It has become prevalent, ubiquitous, and part of the status quo. People have become used to IT and are no longer considered something unique for anyone. According to him, information technology has become a common feature in a non-proprietary technology infrastructure and has therefore lost its significance in the provision of a competitive edge or strategic advantage for business growth and profitability at the company level. Though used by organizations, from a strategic business standpoint, It gradually become invisible and do not longer matter anymore. He points here that if a company is to be profitable, IT does not matter anymore. The company’s vision and strategy are all that matters. If this can get interpreted from a non-biased standpoint, what Carr means is that IT is no longer a strategic resource for companies. They should also focus on others things and not overspend on IT alone as a feature to lead them to success.

My position
I do not agree with Carr’s position. Saying that IT does not matter is not correct. My differing side from his argument gets based on the fact that IT has today become an integral part of the organization which has helped it in conducting very many daily duties and transactions. IT infrastructure is imperative as it speeds and makes efficient many activities of the company taking care of duties that a man could do in the whole day within seconds. Today, managers make deals with others business partners at the comfort of their desks. Marketing of products has also been made easier through IT which does so through creating social threads via social media. Today, one does not have to appear physically in the shops but only does the ordering from the comfort of his/her home and relax waiting for delivery. IT has created a lot of opportunities and transformed the vast world into a small global village. Thanks to IT that communication between two people located in extreme corners of the Arctic and Antarctic can speak and do business. Apparently, its use is still needed today as was in the past. It matters and is very crucial.