Database Creation

For a database administrator, describe the importance of database alerts

The alerts are very important to the database administrator because they help them get information regarding the events that may diversely impact the database in one way or another. They help the database administrator to respond to the issues as quickly as possible before any damage can take place (Basta & Zgola, 2011). Alerts come from all the internal errors, block corruption errors and deadlock errors that may be disastrous to the database. So the alerts help the database administrator to respond to them promptly before the effect of the error can escalate.

Describe the importance of reviewing the database logs to determine errors
At the heart of many devices that offer protection for the information technology, networks is an ability to log the events and actions so that remediation actions can be taken as appropriate (Horwath, 2012). The database logs errors to help the database administrator to review them and take any appropriate responses as per the error. It is essential for the database administrator to review the database error logs to determine the error so that he/she can take defensive measures before any real damage occurs (Murphy, 2015). Without the review of those database logs, the database administrator has little chances of knowing whether a live application has been compromised or is being attacked.

Compare the advantages of using a Database creation tool or using a script to create a database

Creating a database using a database creation tool or a script has many advantages, for instance, one can use the DBCA wizards to get direction in the selection of options offering an easy means of creation and tailoring of the database (Oracle Corporation, 2002). The database creator only supplies a minimum of input, and the tool makes decisions for them, eliminating the need to spend much time in deciding how to set parameters or how best to structure the database. The use of a tool also helps the database creator to be very specific concerning the file allocations and settings. The database creation using a script helps to decide the services required at the start.

Describe the basic database administrator responsibilities
The database administrator responsibilities revolve around three major activities: maintenance of the production database; planning, designing and making changes to the existing applications; and the management of a company’s data and the metadata (Connolly & Carolyn, 2004). The database administrator should also create policies and procedures regarding the database management, security, and the use of the database. A database administrator should also carry out general technical troubleshooting as he/she also provides consultation to the development teams (Blaha, 2001).

Describe Oracle tablespace (default tablespace, Bigfile, Smallville)

Oracle tablespace are the logical units in Oracle database that are used to store the entire database’s data. Each of those logical units/tablespaces consists of one or more data files that are physical structures that are specific to the operating system that Oracle database is running in. There are Bigfile tablespace and small file tablespace whereby the Bigfile tablespace comprises of a single datafile or a single temp file and the small file tablespace consists of several temp file of data files that can amount up to 1022 (Powell, 2007). A Bigfile tablespace comprises of a repository of if all the information in a single file whereas the small file tablespace has the same information contained in several files.

Describe the benefit of the Oracle client/server architecture

The client applications do not have to perform any data processing. Those applications only concentrate on the input requests from users or the server and then analyzing that data appropriately so that they can present it through display capabilities of the client node Luz, T. (1990).
The client/server architecture helps Oracle RDMS to exploit the multitasking as well as the shared memory facilities of the underlying operating system. Consequently, that offers the highest degree of data integrity, concurrency, and performance to the clients.
In this architecture, it is possible to optimize the terminals or client workstations for the presentation of data while the server can also be optimized to process and store data.
In the case of networked environments, the shared data can have placement on the servers instead of the workstations so that it will be easier and efficient to manage its concurrent access.

Motivation Form letter

Dismissal from program and request to continue the program
Due to insufficient academic performance (e.g. more resits than allowed)

Due to lack of academic progress (e.g. participant does not fulfill the degree requirements within the program duration or within five (5) academic years)

Due to failure of the performance segment (Master Thesis or Final Project)

Academic Misconduct (i.e. plagiarism, exam fraud, forgery and academic outsourcing)

Request for transfer of credits or exemptions (waivers)

Request to resume the (Master) study

Receiving a certificate or degree

Request for Extension / Deferral of:

(Master) study


Master Thesis or Final Project

Other, please specify: ………………………………………………………………………….

(Please submit all related supporting documents. Withholding information could have negative consequences for the final decision taken by the MSM Examination Board)

Examination Script Assignment Script

Examination Questions Assignment Description

Examination Model Answers Grade Objection Form

Case(s) used during Examination/Assignment Overall Grade Transcript

Master Thesis or Final Project Ephorus Report
Thesis or Project Evaluation Form BHAP

Reporting Academic Misconduct Form
Verification documents e.g. doctor’s certificate for personal distress

Other, namely: …………………………………………………………………………………

Motivation for personal distress (If applicable)

(Reasons beyond the control of the participant, such as health issues, deceased family etc.)

My purpose of completing my thesis is so that I can get a chance to advance my studies and also have an opportunity of moving to the next level in my career. At the moment, in the job I am working, I tend not to earn sufficient income that will help cater for my needs. I am looking forward to work in a higher position that will provide me with the chance of earning a good amount of money. In doing this, I will be able to help my husband as I am planning to go back to England. Since my husband lives in England, my plan is that when I decide to go back to England, I will have earned enough money from my job that I will use and assist my husband in buying a house as we are planning to start a life there. My husband’s salary is not enough to cater for all expenses, which includes buying a house. As we all know, life in England tend to be very expensive and to own a house; there is a lot of money that is needed so as to purchase a good house. In most places in England, houses tend to cost an awful lot, and the wages have not been able to keep pace with inflation or raised the same as house prices. I am 47 years old, and I do not have children yet because my salary and that of my husband is not enough to cater for the needs that come with having a family. Although I am planning on having babies very soon, I want them to be raised in England, and I want to ensure that we have our house before bringing any life to this world. Therefore, my plan is to complete my MBA and use it so as to get a better job that will help me earn a good salary and be able to live a decent life together with my husband and our children. I want to have my children because there is no more time to wait as I will be reaching 50 very soon and my husband is already at his 50s. I believe that completing my MBA will have a significant impact on my life and because of this; I have committed all my time and effort to ensuring that I perform well in my studies.

Motivated Reaction/ Request

(Please clearly motivate and be as precise as possible.

Information or supporting documents withheld could have negative consequences for the final decision taken by the MSM Examination Board)

When writing my thesis, I made sure that I observed all the instructions provided by my supervisor. At first, I wrote the project proposal describing the background of research, the aims, and the planned experiments. I made sure that I observed all the rules and regulations when writing a thesis. One important factor that I understood was the issue of plagiarism. Plagiarism tends to be a serious academic offense, and the school does have a strict rule regarding plagiarism. There are certain consequences for those who do not observe this rule as it can result in the immediate expulsion from the MBA program. So as to ensure that my thesis was up to standard, I considered submitting the thesis in two software so as to check for plagiarism. The software that I used was When I first checked for plagiarism, I realized that the paper had a high percentage of more than 25%. Therefore, I put effort to reduce the plagiarism rate to as low as 2% and finally got the result between 2% and 15%. When writing the thesis, my plan was to make sure that the work was original and no part of the thesis was copied from another source or students work except in areas where due acknowledgment was made. In addition to following the rules regarding plagiarism, I also made sure that I followed the requirements for working with human participants. Before doing the research, I made sure that I obtained ethical approval before starting my project. I ensured confidentiality of the participants, informed consent, and none of the participants were forced to participate in the study. By following all the guidelines and rules set when conducting a study involving human participants, I am confident that I did not violate any of the rules when doing my thesis. Before doing my thesis, I ensured that I understood all the policies and regulations involved and I believe that I did not violate any of the set rules.


I have read the Education and Examination Regulations (EER), which contains information on MSM, Core Values and the Participant Code of Conduct applying to the program or the Program Booklet applying to the EP programs.
I understand and accept these policies and regulations.

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